QUI’S SPOTLIGHT: Emerging forces in fashion | VALETTE STUDIO

Jul 26, 2024
Fashion weeks in Paris and Milan have a major influence on the direction of fashion trends. New creators are active at collections held in London, Copenhagen, Berlin, and other cities. The QUI editorial team is always on the lookout for these events in search of new talent.

The brand we're focusing on this time is "VALETTE STUDIO," which was launched in 2020 and was selected for the official schedule of the Paris Men's Collection just one year later. We interviewed Pierre-François Valette, a young designer who is attracting attention for his tailored clothing, which is attracting attention again.

QUI’S SPOTLIGHT: Emerging forces in fashion | VALETTE STUDIO

Jul 26, 2024 - FASHION
Fashion weeks in Paris and Milan have a major influence on the direction of fashion trends. New creators are active at collections held in London, Copenhagen, Berlin, and other cities. The QUI editorial team is always on the lookout for these events in search of new talent.

The brand we're focusing on this time is "VALETTE STUDIO," which was launched in 2020 and was selected for the official schedule of the Paris Men's Collection just one year later. We interviewed Pierre-François Valette, a young designer who is attracting attention for his tailored clothing, which is attracting attention again.

-First, what is the brand concept?

The concept of VALETTE STUDIO is Non-Gender Tailoring Made in Paris. All our collections and productions are made in Paris in our workshops. We also make custom-made and half-made… this for a high-end but affordable price!
I strongly believe in sustainable development, which involves stock-service materials and limiting clothing stocks.

-As a brand centered on tailoring, what do you value as a designer?

Create Beauty.
People, hands, rigor, surpassing oneself, patience… because the journey of life is, I believe, becoming the best version of oneself.

-Where do you usually get your inspiration as a designer?

For each collection I work on the Tailor – Jacket Pants – shirt. For her and him.
I draw my inspiration from artistic movements, music, cinema but also from personalities who fascinate me. This is how I made the Françoise Sagan collection, the Andy Warhol collection, the David Bowie collection, the Gatsby collection, the Lord Anglais collection…
I gather my ideas on a moddboard, like a wave of images, where inspirations which at first glance would not have any links end up discussing each other. This is also what creating is: bringing together & uniting. Freely.

-What made you decide to become a designer?

I first studied law. When I graduated I decided to change direction and joined the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne / French Fashion Institute in Paris. I worked at Isabel Marant and in the tailoring studio at Saint Laurent. After my First Prize at the Saint Laurent Couture Institute – an internal training course at Maison Saint Laurent – I decided to launch my brand VALETTE STUDIO.
My brand has just been named 2024 Winner of the « Appel à Projet mode du Ministère de la Culture », which subsidizes several brands each year to help them in their development.

-How do you feel that your experiences at <ISABEL MARANT> and <Saint Laurent> are useful for the creative and management of <VALETTE STUDIO>?

I learned a lot working in these two houses. On the development and the creative process, on the know-how, on the demands of the profession… I also met many people who still accompany me in the VALETTE STUDIO adventure. Because let’s never forget that fashion is above all teamwork based on human know-how!

-When it comes to tailoring, there is an image of a classic framework, but do you ever find it difficult to follow traditional rules when designing?

There is no difficulty in the design of the VALETTE STUDIO Tailor. All the manufacturing is done in Paris. In accordance with the rules of the art.
From a drawing we work on a “toile à patron” for fittings. Then I assign a material to relay the prototype. All the components are also Made In France concerning the interlinings for example.
We sometimes encounter difficulties in guaranteeing a reasonable price for the end consumer, but that is also part of the job! We must reconcile the dream and the reality.

-Many QUI readers are students who dream of working in the fashion industry. Do you have any advice for young people who are aiming to work in Japan or in the industry?

These words don’t belong to me but I like to say them again
“Everything happens to those who dream, work and never give up”

-Just one year after your debut, you were selected for the official schedule of the Paris Collection. It seems like you have a smooth career, but what will remain the same as a brand, or what do you want to change?

Thank you for your words. Without clashes but with a lot of work and passion!
The DNA of VALETTE STUDIO will not change: the Workshop, Made in Paris, the know-how, a special team linked by the passion for the profession and the desire to offer something different to customers.
We will develop with these values ​​as our guide.

2025SS collection Link
instagram Link

  • text : Akinori Mukaino
  • translation : Tetsu Charles Kawamoto
  • interview & edit : Yusuke Soejima

